Sunday, January 2, 2011

a new year full of love and other lovely things too

My new years resolution is to follow these little bits of truth from Dr. Seuss...

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." 

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go..." 

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You." 

"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." 

"Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope." 

if you would like to read more lovely quotes by Dr. Seuss just click here.

I hope you all had the most amazing  new years however you spent it!
